From host Cam Parry:
We are overwhelmed with the incredible outpouring of love and support you’ve shown us since our final KWRO/BiCoastal show last Thursday. I can’t begin to put into words how deeply I appreciate your heartfelt notes from all over the country...or how humbled I am by your eloquence and kindness. I promise I will respond to every one of you just as soon as I can. BiCoastal management’s decision to eliminate Hooked on Oregon from their programming took us all by surprise – after all, everything we do is done for the listener, and we have a large, faithful national audience base with award winning content.
But radio management moves in mysterious ways, in small and large markets; and I am grateful for an amazing 27-year run on BiCoastal (KWRO), begun with Richard DeChambeau’s incredible show. I am so proud of our amazing “Hooked On” crew and the classy way they handled the news during last week’s finale. And to have some of our finest guests there with us – John Kruse, Representative David Brock Smith, John Ogan of the Coquille Indian Tribe, and of course the man we all love to abuse – Fred Messerle. It was the perfect way to say farewell.
I had to head to Astoria the very next day, but our crew was working behind the scenes to make certain our wonderful listeners, advertisers, upcoming guests and website were notified of the change at WKRO.
Thanks to our amazing crew – Co-host Mark Mattecheck from North Bend Lanes; our Engineer, Jeff Gulusha; Producer Sandy Messerle; and last but not least, our Ravishing, Roving Reporter Mel Campbell – we will begin the party where we left off!
And continuing the tradition of guest spots from the Bites On Crew; Mark Fleck and Josh Bettisworth from Englund Marine; Marcey Fullerton from the Oregon Hunters’ Association; Dr. Stu Love from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; Josh from ORCO, Keisha from Chuck’s Seafood, the crew from Coos Bay Marine, and SWOCC’s and NASA’s own Dr. Coyner -- we will continue to bring you great information, unique guests and our outrageous brand of fun. We want you to know that the show and its rag tag team is not ending at all. We will begin anew this Thursday, September 8th from 3 to 5 p.m. PDT! Watch us live – yes, that’s right, we’re going to be videoing our show for the immediate future, and you’ll find us on Facebook Live, the Hooked on Oregon Website and YouTube.
And we’ve got something really special for you this Thursday, as we broadcast live from Mel Campbell’s bedroom, where some ancient Sanskrit texts suggest the world actually began. So follow us on Facebook and our Hooked on Oregon website as we find our new broadcasting home -- and please don’t shoot if you find us in your garage, or camp trailer (we’ll only need it for two hours, promise!) See you this Thursday on YouTube, Facebook Live with podcasts on Lisbyn.com and our Hooked on Oregon.com website.
Thank you again for your amazing messages of love and enduring support for our show and crew.
We love you. We honor you. And we will meet again next Thursday, September 8th.